The Wald confidence interval for the difference between probabilities
Described in Chapter 4 "The 2x2 Table"
Wald_CI_2x2(n, alpha = 0.05)
An object of the contingencytables_result class,
basically a subclass of base::list()
. Use the utils::str()
to see the specific elements returned.
# An RCT of high vs standard dose of epinephrine (Perondi et al., 2004):
Wald_CI_2x2(n = perondi_2004)
#> The Wald CI: estimate = 0.1765 (95% CI 0.0292 to 0.3238)
# The association between CHRNA4 genotype and XFS (Ritland et al., 2007):
Wald_CI_2x2(n = ritland_2007)
#> The Wald CI: estimate = -0.2083 (95% CI -0.3021 to -0.1145)