The Wald test and confidence interval for the difference between marginal mean scores
Described in Chapter 9 "The Paired cxc Table"
An object of the contingencytables_result class,
basically a subclass of base::list()
. Use the utils::str()
to see the specific elements returned.
# A comparison between serial and retrospective measurements
# (Fischer et al., 1999)
a <- c(8, 3.5, 0, -3.5, -8)
Wald_test_and_CI_marginal_mean_scores_paired_cxc(fischer_1999, a)
#> The Wald test: P = 0.00001, Z = 4.372
#> The Wald CI: estimate = 1.6942 (95% CI 0.9347 to 2.4537)