
What is this place?

This is a repository for open slides presented to the public. It is not to be confused with the private repository hosted on our UiO Enterprise GitHub page, designed to host presentations containing private or sensitive information not ready for public release. It may, however, host privately-presented slides that can be publicly available as long as they comply with the repository license (read more about it below).

File naming convention

Please prefix your files with the presentation date in the format YYYYMMDD- so they are properly sorted and more easily findable. Also avoid using spaces in the file name because computers are often scared of those.


Attention: this repository is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International, meaning all content here is subjected to the same license (except for files in the Presentations/aux folder which were not created by the authors). If you want to know what this implies, please take a look at this and this. You can find some nice, high-resolution CC icons here.

Before uploading content, we suggest adding the license information to your slides. You can read more about this here.

Where are the presentations?

You can find the presentations in the Presentations folder. The HTML presentations are best viewed on the link below: