Categorical data analysis

Proportions, contingency table, chi-square test


R Script

Short summary

Proportions for one group

Sample proportion \(p = d/n\)

  • \(d\) is the number who experience the outcome of interest (e.g. disease)
  • \(n\) is the sample size.

95% confidence interval for the population proportion:

\((p - 1.96 \times \sqrt{\frac{p (1-p)}{n}}, p + 1.96 \times \sqrt{\frac{p (1-p)}{n}})\)

Hypothesis test for one proportion (equal to a pre-specified value): z-test

Compare two proportions

Outcome: whether the subjects experience the outcome of interest


  • exposed to a risk factor; or treatment group (in clinical trials)
  • unexposed to a risk factor; or placebo/control group

Contingency table

Outcome (yes) Outcome (no) Total
Exposed (group 1) d1 (d1/n1) h1 (h1/n1) n1
Unexposed (group 0) d0 (d0/n0) h0 (h0/n0) n0
Total d h n


  • Risk difference: difference of the risks (not commonly used)
  • Relative risk (risk ratio): ratio between risks of experiencing the outcome among exposed group, and unexposed group, \(\frac{d1/n1}{d0/n0} = \frac{d1/(d1+h1)}{d0/(d0+h0)}\)
  • Odds ratio: ratio between odds of experiencing the outcome, \(\frac{d1/h1}{d0/h0} = \frac{d1 \times h0}{d0 \times h1}\)

Each has a confidence interval (not required to compute from formula).

Strength of association (statistical tests)

Chi-squared test (pronounce: kai)

  • Test statistic: \(\chi^2 = \sum_i \frac{(O_i - E_i)^2}{E_i}, d.f. = 1\)
  • \(O_i, E_i\): observed and expected values in \(i\)th cell of the table
  • Only returns a p-value (and test statistic); you should report effect estimates as well
  • Check validity
    • overall total more than 40
    • or, overall between 20 to 40, and all expected values are at least 5

Exact test (for small dataset)

  • Recommended when total less than 20; or smallest cell has expected number less than 5
Chi-square test measures strength of association

Chi-squared test does not distinguish between exposure and outcome variables. If you reverse the variable order, the test-statistic and p-value is exactly the same.

Report risk ratio and/or odds ratio with confidence interval, along with p-value.

# test proportion: whether 123 success in 1000 equals prob = 0.15
prop.test(x = 123, n = 1000, p = 0.15)
binom.test(x = 123, n = 1000, p = 0.15)

# create binary variable
# compare your continuous values against threshold
# assign "yes" to those higher; otherwise, assign "no"
high_value <- ifelse(your_values > threshold, "yes", "no")

# count each category
table(x) # x is categorical! 

# cross tabulation (2 variables)
table(x,y) # x, y are categorical

# chi.squared test
# tb is a 2 by 2 table (matrix) with counts

Exercise 1 (lung function)

Lung function has been measured on 106 medical students. Peak expiratory flow rate (PEF, measured in liters per minute) was measured three times in a sitting position, and three times in a standing position.

The variables are

  • Age (years)
  • Gender (female, male)
  • Height (cm)
  • Weight (kg)
  • PEF measured three times in a sitting position (pefsit1, pefsit2, pefsit3)
  • PEF measured three times in a standing position (pefsta1, pefsta2, pefsta3)
  • Mean of the three measurements made in a sitting position (pefsitm)
  • Mean of the three measurements made in a standing position (pefstam)
  • Mean of all six PEF values (pefmean)


We investigate whether having a high value of pefmean is associated with gender.

First, create a new variable highpef that indicates whether pefmean is above 500.


We investigate the association between these two variables via an appropriate table analysis. Make a table of highpef vs gender, which counts the number of subjects having each one of the four combinations in a 2 by 2 contingency table.


Compute risk ratio and odds ratio (only the point estimates, no confidence interval). Here the exposure is gender (we assume that the reference group is female: unexposed), and outcome is highpef. Interpret your results.

Outcome (yes) Outcome (no)
Exposed a b
Unexposed c d

Risk ratio: \(\frac{a/(a+b)}{c/(c+d)}\)

Odds ratio: \(\frac{a/b}{c/d} = \frac{ad}{bc}\)


Carry out a chi-square analysis to assess the strength of association. Interpret your results.

Exercise 2 (birth data)

We shall analyse the data set given in the file birth.dta. In a study in Massachusetts, USA, birth weight was measured for the children of 189 women. The main variable in the study was birth weight, BWT, which is an important indicator of the condition of a newborn child. Low birth weight (below 2500 g) may be a medical risk factor. A major question is whether smoking during pregnancy influences the birth weight. One has also studied whether a number of other factors are related to birth weight, such as hypertension in the mother.

The variables of the study are

  • Identification number (ID)
  • Low birth weight
  • Age of the mother (AGE)
  • Weight (in pounds) at last menstruaal period (LWT)
  • Ethnicity, 1 means White, 2 means African American, 3 meaans other (ETH)
  • Smoking status, 1 means current smoker, 0 means not smoking during pregnancy (SMK)
  • History of premature labbour, values 0, 1, 2… (PTL)
  • History of hypertension, 1 is yes, 0 is no (HT)
  • Uterine irritability, 1 is yes, 0 is no (UI)
  • First trimester visits, values 0, 1, 2… (FTV)
  • Third trimster visits, values 0, 1, 2… (TTV)
  • Birth weight (BWT)


Does smoking influence the birth weight of a baby?

Make a histogram and a box plot, and find the median and mean for birth weight in grams (bwt) for the two groups of mothers: one group that smokes, and one that does not smoke durinng the pregnancy. (Hint: use variable smk for this task)


Are the distributions for the two groups normal? Can we conclude that smoking has an effect on the weight of a newborn? Use a t-test.


Do mothers of hypertension have a tendency to have babies with a lower birth weight? (The variable for hypertension is ht)

Make a histogram of birth weight for the two groups of mothers with and without hypertension. What do you observe?


Analyse the effect of smoking on birth weight in a table (categorical analysis): compute the relative risk (risk ratio) and carry out a test to assess the strength of association.

Also do it for hypertension (instead of smoking).

What can you conclude?


Exercise 1 (lung function)

Lung function has been measured on 106 medical students. Peak expiratory flow rate (PEF, measured in liters per minute) was measured three times in a sittinng position, and three times in a standing position.

The variables are

  • Age (years)
  • Gender (female, male)
  • Height (cm)
  • Weight (kg)
  • PEF measured three times in a sitting position (pefsit1, pefsit2, pefsit3)
  • PEF measured three times in a standing position (pefsta1, pefsta2, pefsta3)
  • Mean of the three measurements made in a sitting position (pefsitm)
  • Mean of the three measurements made in a standing position (pefstam)
  • Mean of all six PEF values (pefmean)


We investigate whether having a high value of pefmean is associated with gender. First, create a new variable highpef that indicates whether pefmean is above 500.

# if you use rda data file: 
# load('./data/PEFH98-english.rda')

# if you use csv: 
lung_data <- read.csv('data/PEFH98-english.csv', sep = ',')
# head(lung_data)

# examine variable pefmean
# visualise the distribution
abline(v = 500, col = 'red', lwd = 2)

There are multiple ways to do it. Here we show two of them.

In option 1, we use the function ifelse(). It will create a binary vector, and fill in different output based on whether the condition was true or not.

# option 1
# code new variable: highpef with cutoff = 500
# this is a binary variable, 1 means yes (higher than 500), 0 means no
highpef <- ifelse(lung_data$pefmean > 500, '1', '0')

# check if it makes sense
[1] 405.0000 491.6667 505.0000 513.3333 725.0000 602.5000
[1] "0" "0" "1" "1" "1" "1"

In option 2, we create a vector with a pre-specified value, then replace the elements for given indices.

# option 2 
# create a vector with all '0's
# then set the elements above 500 in 'pefmean' as '1'
# (replacement with index)

n <- length(lung_data$pefmean) # 106
highpef_alt <- rep('0', n) # repeat '0' 106 times
highpef_alt[lung_data$pefmean > 500] <- '1'
[1] "0" "0" "1" "1" "1" "1"


We investigate the association between these two variables via an appropriate table analysis. Make a table of highpef vs gender, which counts the number of subjects having each one of the four combinations in a 2 by 2 contingency table.

You can do this with table() command: it counts how many observations equals to each unique value in the data. When the data takes 2 values (1/0, yes or no), table() counts the numbers in each category.

# take out gender variable so we don't need to use $ any more
gender <- lung_data$gender

# we can count how many subjects are in each category for the two variables
female   male 
    54     52 
 0  1 
54 51 

Using table() for two variables produces the cross tabulation: \(2 \times 2\) combinations. The first element is put as rows, and second element is put as columns.

# now we count how many subjects are in the combinations 
table_gender_highpef <- table(gender, highpef)
gender    0  1
  female 48  5
  male    6 46

You should be aware that table() does not automatically produce the contingency table which puts exposed (group 1) for two outcomes at the first row; neither does it put positive outcome (outcome = yes) for exposed/unexposed group in the first column.

table() only counts the combination. It is up to you to make sense which numbers are \(d1, d0, h1, h0\)!


Compute risk ratio and odds ratio (only the point estimates, no confidence interval). Here the exposure is gender (we assume that the reference group is female: unexposed), and outcome is highpef. Interpret your results.

Outcome (yes) Outcome (no)
Exposed d1 h1
Unexposed d0 h0

Risk ratio: \(\frac{d1/(d1+h1)}{d0/(d0+h0)}\)

Odds ratio: \(\frac{d1/h1}{d0/h0} = \frac{d1 \times h0}{d0 \times h1}\)

It could help by drawing a table before computing the metrics.

Outcome (highpef = 1) Outcome (highpef = 0)
Exposed (gender = male) 46 6
Unexposed (gender = female) 5 48
# first use formula (only point estimates)
# risk ratio (relative risk)
# risk in exposed / risk in unexposed

risk_exposed <- 46/(46+6)  # 0.885
risk_unexposed <- 5/(5+48) # 0.094
rr <- risk_exposed/risk_unexposed
rr  # 9.37
[1] 9.376923
# odds ratio
# odds of event in exposed group / odds of event in non-exposed group
odds_exposed <- 46/6  # 7.667
odds_unexposed <- 5/48  # 0.104
or <- odds_exposed/odds_unexposed
or # 73.6
[1] 73.6


Carry out a chi-square analysis to assess the strength of association. Interpret your results.

We do a chi-square test with chisq.test() function. To read more about what is required as input, you can use ?chisq.test() to get the documentation.

# note: 
# we have not distinguished between exposure and outcome
# by default, 'table' function puts the first input in rows (gender)
# the order does not affect the result of chi-square test


    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  table_gender_highpef
X-squared = 62.498, df = 1, p-value = 2.667e-15

If you want to know what are the observed and expected numbers used for the chi-square test, you can create a variable (let us call it ctest), and access the elements using $.

ctest <- chisq.test(table_gender_highpef)
# you can extract elements of ctest using $
ctest$observed # observed data
gender    0  1
  female 48  5
  male    6 46
ctest$expected # expected data (under null, no association)
gender          0        1
  female 27.25714 25.74286
  male   26.74286 25.25714
Chi-square test measures strength of association

It is worth pointing out that chisq.test() does not distinguish between exposure and outcome variables. If you reverse the variable order, the test-statistic and p-value is exactly the same.

This is why you should always be clear in your mind what is your exposure and outcome, and report risk ratio and/or odds ratio.

# reverse the order of the two variables: highpef firsst, gender second
table_highpef_gender <- table(highpef, gender)

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  table_highpef_gender
X-squared = 62.498, df = 1, p-value = 2.667e-15

Optional: use R package to compute RR and OR

(This is for people who are interested, and able to load additional R packages and read the documentations. If this is too much: skip it)

You can verify if this is correct with some R packages that implement risk ratio and odds ratio.

Be careful with the input format when using packages

Different packages can have different requirements for how your data input should look like. Always check documentation to get the correct result.

This is also true with other softwares like STATA.

Comparison of different packages in computing risk ratio: read this discussion

Documentation: epitools Documentation: epiR

The first function we use is epitab from epitools package.

# install.packages('epitools')

# match the expected data format
# col: outcome -, outcome +
# row: exposure -, exposure +
tb1 <- matrix(c(48, 5, 6, 46), byrow = T, ncol = 2)
# tb1
epitools::epitab(tb1, method = 'riskratio')
Predictor  Disease1        p0 Disease2         p1 riskratio    lower    upper
  Exposed1       48 0.9056604        5 0.09433962  1.000000       NA       NA
  Exposed2        6 0.1153846       46 0.88461538  9.376923 4.048485 21.71842
Predictor      p.value
  Exposed1          NA
  Exposed2 2.16777e-17

[1] "wald"

[1] 0.95

[1] "fisher.exact"
epitools::epitab(tb1, method = 'oddsratio')
Predictor  Disease1        p0 Disease2         p1 oddsratio    lower    upper
  Exposed1       48 0.8888889        5 0.09803922       1.0       NA       NA
  Exposed2        6 0.1111111       46 0.90196078      73.6 21.00627 257.8735
Predictor      p.value
  Exposed1          NA
  Exposed2 2.16777e-17

[1] "wald"

[1] 0.95

[1] "fisher.exact"

The second function we use is epi.2by2 from epiR package.

# install.packages('epiR')

# match the expected data format
# col: outcome +, outcome -
# row: exposure +, exposure -
tb2 <- matrix(c(46, 6, 5, 48), byrow = T, ncol = 2)
# tb2
epiR::epi.2by2(tb2, method = 'cohort.count')
             Outcome +    Outcome -      Total                 Inc risk *
Exposed +           46            6         52     88.46 (76.56 to 95.65)
Exposed -            5           48         53       9.43 (3.13 to 20.66)
Total               51           54        105     48.57 (38.70 to 58.53)

Point estimates and 95% CIs:
Inc risk ratio                                 9.38 (4.05, 21.72)
Inc odds ratio                                 73.60 (21.01, 257.87)
Attrib risk in the exposed *                   79.03 (67.31, 90.75)
Attrib fraction in the exposed (%)            89.34 (75.30, 95.40)
Attrib risk in the population *                39.14 (26.76, 51.52)
Attrib fraction in the population (%)         80.58 (57.91, 91.04)
Uncorrected chi2 test that OR = 1: chi2(1) = 65.624 Pr>chi2 = <0.001
Fisher exact test that OR = 1: Pr>chi2 = <0.001
 Wald confidence limits
 CI: confidence interval
 * Outcomes per 100 population units 

Exercise 2 (birth data)

We shall analyse the data set given in the file birth.dta. In a study in Massachusetts, USA, birth weight was measured for the children of 189 women. The main variable in the study was birth weight, BWT, which is an important indicator of the condition of a newborn child. Low birth weight (below 2500 g) may be a medical risk factor. A major question is whether smoking during pregnancy influences the birth weight. One has also studied whether a number of other factors are related to birth weight, such as hypertension in the mother.

The variables of the study are

  • Identification number (ID)
  • Low birth weight
  • Age of the mother (AGE)
  • Weight (in pounds) at last menstruaal period (LWT)
  • Ethnicity, 1 means White, 2 means African American, 3 meaans other (ETH)
  • Smoking status, 1 means current smoker, 0 means not smoking during pregnancy (SMK)
  • History of premature labbour, values 0, 1, 2… (PTL)
  • History of hypertension, 1 is yes, 0 is no (HT)
  • Uterine irritability, 1 is yes, 0 is no (UI)
  • First trimester visits, values 0, 1, 2… (FTV)
  • Third trimster visits, values 0, 1, 2… (TTV)
  • Birth weight (BWT)


Does smoking influence the birth weight of a baby?

Make a histogram and a box plot, and find the median and mean for birth weight in grams (bwt) for the two groups of mothers: one group that smokes, and one that does not smoke durinng the pregnancy. (Hint: use variable smk for this task)

# if you are using .rda: click on the data icon

# load data
birth <- read.csv('data/birth.csv', sep = ',')
  id         low age lwt   eth       smk ptl  ht  ui fvt ttv  bwt
1  4 bwt <= 2500  28 120 other    smoker   1  no yes   0   0  709
2 10 bwt <= 2500  29 130 white nonsmoker   0  no yes   2   0 1021
3 11 bwt <= 2500  34 187 black    smoker   0 yes  no   0   0 1135
4 13 bwt <= 2500  25 105 other nonsmoker   1 yes  no   0   0 1330
5 15 bwt <= 2500  25  85 other nonsmoker   0  no yes   0   4 1474
6 16 bwt <= 2500  27 150 other nonsmoker   0  no  no   0   5 1588
# take the variables
birthweight <- birth$bwt
smoker <- birth$smk

# get to know how many smoker and non-smoker
nonsmoker    smoker 
      115        74 
# histogram for all (both categories together)

# separate birthweight based on smoking
bw_smoker <- birthweight[smoker == 'smoker']
bw_nonsmoker <- birthweight[smoker == 'nonsmoker']

# can produce summary statistics
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    709    2370    2776    2773    3246    4238 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1021    2509    3100    3055    3622    4990 

Visualise with histogram and boxplot

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
# histogram for smokers
# (you can try to add sample means for each group)
# set the range for axis limits so they look comparable
hist(bw_smoker, main = 'birthweight: smoker mothers', xlim = c(600, 5000))
hist(bw_nonsmoker, main = 'birthweight: nonsmoker mothers', xlim = c(600, 5000))

# boxplot 
boxplot(bw_smoker, main = 'birthweight: smoker mothers', ylim = c(600, 5000))
boxplot(bw_nonsmoker, main = 'birthweight: nonsmoker mothers', ylim = c(600, 5000))

From the histograms and boxplots, you can spot that there seems to be slightly smaller values of baby birth weight for smoker mothers; although we can not draw a concrete conclusion by looking at the graphs. Therefore, you should carry out a hypothesis test to be more certain.


Are the distributions for the two groups normal? Can we conclude that smoking has an effect on the weight of a newborn? Use a t-test.

qqnorm(bw_smoker, main = 'QQplot: birthweight: smoker mothers')

qqnorm(bw_nonsmoker, main = 'QQplot: birthweight: smoker mothers')

# two samples t-test 
t.test(bw_smoker, bw_nonsmoker, paired = F) # welch

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  bw_smoker and bw_nonsmoker
t = -2.7095, df = 170, p-value = 0.00743
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -486.95979  -76.46677
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
 2773.243  3054.957 
t.test(bw_smoker, bw_nonsmoker, paired = F, var.equal = T)

    Two Sample t-test

data:  bw_smoker and bw_nonsmoker
t = -2.6336, df = 187, p-value = 0.009156
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -492.73382  -70.69274
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
 2773.243  3054.957 

From the Q-Q plots, you can consider that the normality assumption is fulfilled.

The t-test (either Welch’s two sample t-test; or two sample t-test for equal variances) indicates that there is significant difference between the two groups. Birth weight of babies from smoker mothers are significantly lower than those from non-smoker mothers (p=0.009 if using the second test).


Do mothers of hypertension have a tendency to have babies with a lower birth weight? (The variable for hypertension is HT)

Make a histogram of birth weight for the two groups of mothers with and without hypertension. What do you observe?

# take out the variables
# head(birth)
hypertension <- birth$ht

# separate birthweight based on hypertension
bw_hypertension <- birthweight[hypertension == 'yes']
bw_nohypertension <- birthweight[hypertension == 'no']

# can produce summary statistics
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1135    1775    2495    2537    3232    3790 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    709    2424    2992    2972    3475    4990 
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
# can set an x axis limit so they are comparable
hist(bw_hypertension, main = 'birthweight: hypertension', xlim = c(600, 5000))
hist(bw_nohypertension, main = 'birthweight: no hypertension', xlim = c(600, 5000))

# boxplot 
boxplot(bw_hypertension, main = 'birthweight: hypertension', ylim = c(600, 5000))
boxplot(bw_nohypertension, main = 'birthweight: no hypertension', ylim = c(600, 5000))

You can read (from the y-axis of histograms) that baby birth weight for hypertension mother group have very few observations compared to those with no hypertension mothers. This can not be spotted in the boxplot.

This suggests that when you carry out exploratory analysis, it’s always useful to do it in different ways.

# check normality
qqnorm(bw_hypertension, main = 'birthweight: hypertension')

qqnorm(bw_nohypertension, main = 'birthweight: no hypertension')

# can check the standard deviation to see if you need welch or equal variance t-test
c(sd(bw_hypertension), sd(bw_nohypertension))
[1] 917.3405 709.2265
# two samples t-test 
# t.test(bw_hypertension, bw_nohypertension, paired = F) # welch
t.test(bw_hypertension, bw_nohypertension, paired = F, var.equal = T)

    Two Sample t-test

data:  bw_hypertension and bw_nohypertension
t = -2.0192, df = 187, p-value = 0.04489
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -861.09734  -10.02413
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
 2536.750  2972.311 

The data in hypertension group (even though scarce) fall roughly on the straight line in the QQ plot. The data on the no hyper tension group (much more data) also fall on the straight line; this suggests that the normal assumption can be assumed to be fulfilled.

We have checked whether the variances between the two groups are very different (rule of thumb: twice standard deviation). We can see that they do not differ by that much; so we can use the t-test with equal variance.


Analyse the effect of smoking on birth weight in a table (categorical analysis): compute the relative risk (risk ratio) and carry out a test to assess the strength of association.

Also do it for hypertension (instead of smoking).

What can you conclude?

# smoking on birth weight
# cross tabulation
low_bw <- birth$low
bwt <= 2500  bwt > 2500 
         59         130 
# distinguish case/non case, exposed/unexposed on your own!
tb_bw_smk <- table(smoker, low_bw)
smoker      bwt <= 2500 bwt > 2500
  nonsmoker          29         86
  smoker             30         44
# compute your risk ratio!


    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  tb_bw_smk
X-squared = 4.2359, df = 1, p-value = 0.03958

Exposure variable is smoker, and outcome is low birth weight of baby.

Risk in exposed group (smoker): 30/(30+44) = 0.405

Risk in unexposed group (nonsmoker): 29/(29+86) = 0.252

Relative risk (risk ratio): 0.405/0.252 = 1.61

With the chi-square test which has a p value of 0.03, you can say that there is evidence that smoking during preganancy affects the risk of low birth weight. (We have not computed the confidence interval here, but you should report them. Use an R package)


The situation for hypertension is slightly tricker.

# hypertension
 no yes 
177  12 
# cross tabulation
# distinguish case/non case, exposed/unexposed on your own!
tb_bw_ht <- table(hypertension, low_bw)
hypertension bwt <= 2500 bwt > 2500
         no           52        125
         yes           7          5
# compute your risk ratio!

Exposure variable is hypertension, and outcome is low birth weight of baby.

Risk in exposed group (hypertension): 7/(7+5) = 0.583

Risk in unexposed group (no hypertension): 52/(52+125) = 0.293

Relative risk (risk ratio): 0.405/0.252 = 1.99

# carry out a chi-square test
Warning in chisq.test(tb_bw_ht): Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  tb_bw_ht
X-squared = 3.1431, df = 1, p-value = 0.07625
# can specify the computation: 
chisq.test(tb_bw_ht, correct = F) # remove the continuity correction
Warning in chisq.test(tb_bw_ht, correct = F): Chi-squared approximation may be

    Pearson's Chi-squared test

data:  tb_bw_ht
X-squared = 4.388, df = 1, p-value = 0.03619
chisq.test(tb_bw_ht, simulate.p.value = T) # simulate p values

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with simulated p-value (based on 2000

data:  tb_bw_ht
X-squared = 4.388, df = NA, p-value = 0.04598

You can see that the conclusion for this chi-square test is problematic, as the data is very imbalanced. The p-value is around 0.05, so you are not able to reject the null hypothesis (of no association) with full confidence. You should report your confidence interval along with the point estimate, and also report your p-value even if it is not significantly small.

You should also double check with results computed in R packages that have implemented relative risk.