Getting started in RStudio

Create new project, workspace navigation

RStudio and Posit

RStudio is a free and open-source IDE (integrated development environment). RStudio IDE is developed by Posit, previously RStudio PBC.

It is convenient to download RStudio to your laptop or desktop; or use RStudio Cloud (need internet connection).

When you open Rstudio, you will see something like this.

Empty bottom right panel

You might NOT see anything in the bottom right panel, because you might not have a Project yet.

Don’t worry, we will learn how to create it.

Create a new project

You can use Rstudio without a project. However, it can help you navigating the workspace by

  • creating a folder
  • collecting your scripts and documentation

As a result, you can find things more easily, and do not need to set a path every time you open R.

Click the button on the top left, it allows you to craete project. We choose New Directory.

You need to give this project a name. We can call it mf9130 for now.

RStudio will also ask you where to put this project; you can put it somewhere easy to find.

Now you will see a new Rstudio session has been opened. At this point, you should be able to see the bottom right panel with a blue icon, with your specified project name.