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Compute the posterior distributions of the parameters of the Bayesian Mallows Rank Model, given rankings or preferences stated by a set of assessors.

The BayesMallows package uses the following parametrization of the Mallows rank model mallows1957BayesMallows:

$$p(r|\alpha,\rho) = \frac{1}{Z_{n}(\alpha)} \exp\left\{\frac{-\alpha}{n} d(r,\rho)\right\}$$

where \(r\) is a ranking, \(\alpha\) is a scale parameter, \(\rho\) is the latent consensus ranking, \(Z_{n}(\alpha)\) is the partition function (normalizing constant), and \(d(r,\rho)\) is a distance function measuring the distance between \(r\) and \(\rho\). We refer to vitelli2018;textualBayesMallows for further details of the Bayesian Mallows model.

compute_mallows always returns posterior distributions of the latent consensus ranking \(\rho\) and the scale parameter \(\alpha\). Several distance measures are supported, and the preferences can take the form of complete or incomplete rankings, as well as pairwise preferences. compute_mallows can also compute mixtures of Mallows models, for clustering of assessors with similar preferences.


  model_options = set_model_options(),
  compute_options = set_compute_options(),
  priors = set_priors(),
  initial_values = set_initial_values(),
  pfun_estimate = NULL,
  progress_report = set_progress_report(),
  cl = NULL



An object of class "BayesMallowsData" returned from setup_rank_data().


An object of class "BayesMallowsModelOptions" returned from set_model_options().


An object of class "BayesMallowsComputeOptions" returned from set_compute_options().


An object of class "BayesMallowsPriors" returned from set_priors().


An object of class "BayesMallowsInitialValues" returned from set_initial_values().


Object returned from estimate_partition_function(). Defaults to NULL, and will only be used for footrule, Spearman, or Ulam distances when the cardinalities are not available, cf. get_cardinalities().


An object of class "BayesMallowsProgressReported" returned from set_progress_report().


Optional cluster returned from parallel::makeCluster(). If provided, chains will be run in parallel, one on each node of cl.


An object of class BayesMallows.


See also


# The example datasets potato_visual and potato_weighing contain complete
# rankings of 20 items, by 12 assessors. We first analyse these using the Mallows
# model:
model_fit <- compute_mallows(
  data = setup_rank_data(rankings = potato_visual),
  compute_options = set_compute_options(nmc = 2000)

# We study the trace plot of the parameters
assess_convergence(model_fit, parameter = "alpha")

assess_convergence(model_fit, parameter = "rho", items = 1:4)

# Based on these plots, we set burnin = 1000.
burnin(model_fit) <- 1000
# Next, we use the generic plot function to study the posterior distributions
# of alpha and rho
plot(model_fit, parameter = "alpha")

plot(model_fit, parameter = "rho", items = 10:15)

# We can also compute the CP consensus posterior ranking
compute_consensus(model_fit, type = "CP")
#>      cluster ranking item cumprob
#> 1  Cluster 1       1  P12   1.000
#> 2  Cluster 1       2  P13   1.000
#> 3  Cluster 1       3   P9   0.876
#> 4  Cluster 1       4  P10   0.916
#> 5  Cluster 1       5  P17   0.748
#> 6  Cluster 1       6   P7   0.882
#> 7  Cluster 1       7  P14   0.977
#> 8  Cluster 1       8  P16   0.845
#> 9  Cluster 1       9   P5   0.605
#> 10 Cluster 1      10   P1   0.743
#> 11 Cluster 1      11  P11   0.965
#> 12 Cluster 1      12  P19   1.000
#> 13 Cluster 1      13  P20   0.582
#> 14 Cluster 1      14  P18   1.000
#> 15 Cluster 1      15   P6   0.916
#> 16 Cluster 1      16   P4   0.727
#> 17 Cluster 1      17   P2   0.780
#> 18 Cluster 1      18  P15   1.000
#> 19 Cluster 1      19   P3   1.000
#> 20 Cluster 1      20   P8   1.000

# And we can compute the posterior intervals:
# First we compute the interval for alpha
compute_posterior_intervals(model_fit, parameter = "alpha")
#>   parameter   mean median           hpdi central_interval
#> 1     alpha 10.632 10.704 [8.468,12.259]   [8.473,12.352]
# Then we compute the interval for all the items
compute_posterior_intervals(model_fit, parameter = "rho")
#>    parameter item mean median      hpdi central_interval
#> 1        rho   P1   10     10    [9,12]           [9,12]
#> 2        rho   P2   17     17   [16,18]          [16,18]
#> 3        rho   P3   19     19      [19]             [19]
#> 4        rho   P4   16     16   [16,18]          [15,18]
#> 5        rho   P5    9      9 [3][6,11]           [3,11]
#> 6        rho   P6   15     15   [15,16]          [15,18]
#> 7        rho   P7    6      6     [5,7]            [5,7]
#> 8        rho   P8   20     20      [20]             [20]
#> 9        rho   P9    3      3     [3,4]            [3,4]
#> 10       rho  P10    4      4     [3,5]            [3,5]
#> 11       rho  P11   11     11    [9,11]           [9,12]
#> 12       rho  P12    1      1       [1]              [1]
#> 13       rho  P13    2      2       [2]              [2]
#> 14       rho  P14    7      7     [6,7]            [6,7]
#> 15       rho  P15   18     18   [17,18]          [15,18]
#> 16       rho  P16    8      8     [8,9]            [8,9]
#> 17       rho  P17    5      5  [5,6][8]            [5,8]
#> 18       rho  P18   14     14   [13,14]          [13,14]
#> 19       rho  P19   12     12  [10][12]          [10,12]
#> 20       rho  P20   13     13   [13,14]          [13,14]

# The example dataset beach_preferences contains pairwise
# preferences between beaches stated by 60 assessors. There
# is a total of 15 beaches in the dataset.
beach_data <- setup_rank_data(
  preferences = beach_preferences
# We then run the Bayesian Mallows rank model
# We save the augmented data for diagnostics purposes.
model_fit <- compute_mallows(
  data = beach_data,
  compute_options = set_compute_options(save_aug = TRUE),
  progress_report = set_progress_report(verbose = TRUE))
#> First 1000 iterations of Metropolis-Hastings algorithm completed.
# We can assess the convergence of the scale parameter

# We can assess the convergence of latent rankings. Here we
# show beaches 1-5.
assess_convergence(model_fit, parameter = "rho", items = 1:5)

# We can also look at the convergence of the augmented rankings for
# each assessor.
assess_convergence(model_fit, parameter = "Rtilde",
                   items = c(2, 4), assessors = c(1, 2))

# Notice how, for assessor 1, the lines cross each other, while
# beach 2 consistently has a higher rank value (lower preference) for
# assessor 2. We can see why by looking at the implied orderings in
# beach_tc
subset(get_transitive_closure(beach_data), assessor %in% c(1, 2) &
         bottom_item %in% c(2, 4) & top_item %in% c(2, 4))
#>    assessor bottom_item top_item
#> 49        2           2        4
# Assessor 1 has no implied ordering between beach 2 and beach 4,
# while assessor 2 has the implied ordering that beach 4 is preferred
# to beach 2. This is reflected in the trace plots.

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  # The example dataset sushi_rankings contains 5000 complete
  # rankings of 10 types of sushi
  # We start with computing a 3-cluster solution
  model_fit <- compute_mallows(
    data = setup_rank_data(sushi_rankings),
    model_options = set_model_options(n_clusters = 3),
    compute_options = set_compute_options(nmc = 10000),
    progress_report = set_progress_report(verbose = TRUE))
  # We then assess convergence of the scale parameter alpha
  # Next, we assess convergence of the cluster probabilities
  assess_convergence(model_fit, parameter = "cluster_probs")
  # Based on this, we set burnin = 1000
  # We now plot the posterior density of the scale parameters alpha in
  # each mixture:
  burnin(model_fit) <- 1000
  plot(model_fit, parameter = "alpha")
  # We can also compute the posterior density of the cluster probabilities
  plot(model_fit, parameter = "cluster_probs")
  # We can also plot the posterior cluster assignment. In this case,
  # the assessors are sorted according to their maximum a posteriori cluster estimate.
  plot(model_fit, parameter = "cluster_assignment")
  # We can also assign each assessor to a cluster
  cluster_assignments <- assign_cluster(model_fit, soft = FALSE)
  } # }

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  # Continuing with the sushi data, we can determine the number of cluster
  # Let us look at any number of clusters from 1 to 10
  # We use the convenience function compute_mallows_mixtures
  n_clusters <- seq(from = 1, to = 10)
  models <- compute_mallows_mixtures(
    n_clusters = n_clusters,
    data = setup_rank_data(rankings = sushi_rankings),
    compute_options = set_compute_options(
      nmc = 6000, alpha_jump = 10, include_wcd = TRUE)
  # models is a list in which each element is an object of class BayesMallows,
  # returned from compute_mallows
  # We can create an elbow plot
  burnin(models) <- 1000
  # We then select the number of cluster at a point where this plot has
  # an "elbow", e.g., at 6 clusters.
} # }

# assessors taking on a relatively low number of unique rankings, the
# observation_frequency argument allows providing a rankings matrix with the
# unique set of rankings, and the observation_frequency vector giving the number
# of assessors with each ranking. This is illustrated here for the potato_visual
# dataset
# assume each row of potato_visual corresponds to between 1 and 5 assessors, as
# given by the observation_frequency vector
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  observation_frequency <- = 5, size = nrow(potato_visual), replace = TRUE)
  m <- compute_mallows(
    setup_rank_data(rankings = potato_visual, observation_frequency = observation_frequency))

  mod <- compute_mallows(
    setup_rank_data(preferences = bernoulli_data),
    compute_options = set_compute_options(nmc = 5000),
    priors = set_priors(kappa = c(1, 10)),
    model_options = set_model_options(error_model = "bernoulli")

  assess_convergence(mod, parameter = "theta")
  burnin(mod) <- 3000

  plot(mod, parameter = "theta")
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  # This example shows how to assess if label switching happens in BayesMallows
  # We start by creating a directory in which csv files with individual
  # cluster probabilities should be saved in each step of the MCMC algorithm
  # NOTE: For computational efficiency, we use much fewer MCMC iterations than one
  # would normally do.
  # Next, we go into this directory
  # For comparison, we run compute_mallows with and without saving the cluster
  # probabilities The purpose of this is to assess the time it takes to save
  # the cluster probabilites.
  system.time(m <- compute_mallows(
    setup_rank_data(rankings = sushi_rankings),
    model_options = set_model_options(n_clusters = 3),
    compute_options = set_compute_options(nmc = 500, save_ind_clus = FALSE)))
  # With this options, compute_mallows will save cluster_probs2.csv,
  # cluster_probs3.csv, ..., cluster_probs[nmc].csv.
  system.time(m <- compute_mallows(
    setup_rank_data(rankings = sushi_rankings),
    model_options = set_model_options(n_clusters = 3),
    compute_options = set_compute_options(nmc = 500, save_ind_clus = TRUE)))

  # Next, we check convergence of alpha

  # We set the burnin to 200
  burnin <- 200

  # Find all files that were saved. Note that the first file saved is
  # cluster_probs2.csv
  cluster_files <- list.files(pattern = "cluster\\_probs[[:digit:]]+\\.csv")

  # Check the size of the files that were saved.
  paste(sum(, list(cluster_files))) * 1e-6, "MB")

  # Find the iteration each file corresponds to, by extracting its number
  iteration_number <- as.integer(
    regmatches(x = cluster_files,m = regexpr(pattern = "[0-9]+", cluster_files)
  # Remove all files before burnin
  file.remove(cluster_files[iteration_number <= burnin])
  # Update the vector of files, after the deletion
  cluster_files <- list.files(pattern = "cluster\\_probs[[:digit:]]+\\.csv")
  # Create 3d array, with dimensions (iterations, assessors, clusters)
  prob_array <- array(
    dim = c(length(cluster_files), m$data$n_assessors, m$n_clusters))
  # Read each file, adding to the right element of the array
  for(i in seq_along(cluster_files)){
    prob_array[i, , ] <- as.matrix(
      read.csv(cluster_files[[i]], header = FALSE))

  # Create an integer array of latent allocations, as this is required by
  # label.switching
  z <- subset(m$cluster_assignment, iteration > burnin)
  z$value <- as.integer(gsub("Cluster ", "", z$value))
  z$chain <- NULL
  z <- reshape(z, direction = "wide", idvar = "iteration", timevar = "assessor")
  z$iteration <- NULL
  z <- as.matrix(z)

  # Now apply Stephen's algorithm
  switch_check <- label.switching("STEPHENS", z = z,
                                  K = m$n_clusters, p = prob_array)

  # Check the proportion of cluster assignments that were switched
  mean(apply(switch_check$permutations$STEPHENS, 1, function(x) {
    !all(x == seq(1, m$n_clusters, by = 1))

  # Remove the rest of the csv files
  # Move up one directory
  # Remove the directory in which the csv files were saved
} # }