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Compute the posterior distributions of the parameters of the Bayesian Mallows model using sequential Monte Carlo. This is based on the algorithms developed in Stein (2023) . This function differs from update_mallows() in that it takes all the data at once, and uses SMC to fit the model step-by-step. Used in this way, SMC is an alternative to Metropolis-Hastings, which may work better in some settings. In addition, it allows visualization of the learning process.


  model_options = set_model_options(),
  smc_options = set_smc_options(),
  compute_options = set_compute_options(),
  priors = set_priors(),
  pfun_estimate = NULL



A list of objects of class "BayesMallowsData" returned from setup_rank_data(). Each list element is interpreted as the data belonging to a given timepoint.


An object of class "BayesMallowsPriorSamples" returned from sample_prior().


An object of class "BayesMallowsModelOptions" returned from set_model_options().


An object of class "SMCOptions" returned from set_smc_options().


An object of class "BayesMallowsComputeOptions" returned from set_compute_options().


An object of class "BayesMallowsPriors" returned from set_priors().


Object returned from estimate_partition_function(). Defaults to NULL, and will only be used for footrule, Spearman, or Ulam distances when the cardinalities are not available, cf. get_cardinalities().


An object of class BayesMallowsSequential.


This function is very new, and plotting functions and other tools for visualizing the posterior distribution do not yet work. See the examples for some workarounds.


Stein A (2023). Sequential Inference with the Mallows Model. Ph.D. thesis, Lancaster University.

See also


# Observe one ranking at each of 12 timepoints
data <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(potato_visual)), function(i) {
  setup_rank_data(potato_visual[i, ], user_ids = i)

initial_values <- sample_prior(
  n = 200, n_items = 20,
  priors = set_priors(gamma = 3, lambda = .1))

mod <- compute_mallows_sequentially(
  data = data,
  initial_values = initial_values,
  smc_options = set_smc_options(n_particles = 500, mcmc_steps = 20))

# We can see the acceptance ratio of the move step for each timepoint:
#> $alpha_acceptance
#>         [,1]
#>  [1,] 0.8184
#>  [2,] 0.8861
#>  [3,] 0.8974
#>  [4,] 0.8738
#>  [5,] 0.8387
#>  [6,] 0.7784
#>  [7,] 0.7215
#>  [8,] 0.6831
#>  [9,] 0.6668
#> [10,] 0.6208
#> [11,] 0.6051
#> [12,] 0.5815
#> $rho_acceptance
#>         [,1]
#>  [1,] 0.9435
#>  [2,] 0.9153
#>  [3,] 0.8846
#>  [4,] 0.8377
#>  [5,] 0.7786
#>  [6,] 0.6412
#>  [7,] 0.5489
#>  [8,] 0.4474
#>  [9,] 0.3982
#> [10,] 0.2626
#> [11,] 0.2392
#> [12,] 0.2176
#> $aug_acceptance
#>       [,1]
#>  [1,]  NaN
#>  [2,]  NaN
#>  [3,]  NaN
#>  [4,]  NaN
#>  [5,]  NaN
#>  [6,]  NaN
#>  [7,]  NaN
#>  [8,]  NaN
#>  [9,]  NaN
#> [10,]  NaN
#> [11,]  NaN
#> [12,]  NaN

plot_dat <- data.frame(
  n_obs = seq_along(data),
  alpha_mean = apply(mod$alpha_samples, 2, mean),
  alpha_sd = apply(mod$alpha_samples, 2, sd)

# Visualize how the dispersion parameter is being learned as more data arrive
ggplot(plot_dat, aes(x = n_obs, y = alpha_mean, ymin = alpha_mean - alpha_sd,
                     ymax = alpha_mean + alpha_sd)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = .1) +
  ylab(expression(alpha)) +
  xlab("Observations") +
  theme_classic() +
    breaks = seq(min(plot_dat$n_obs), max(plot_dat$n_obs), by = 1))

# Visualize the learning of the rank for a given item (item 1 in this example)
plot_dat <- data.frame(
  n_obs = seq_along(data),
  rank_mean = apply(mod$rho_samples[1, , ], 2, mean),
  rank_sd = apply(mod$rho_samples[1, , ], 2, sd)

ggplot(plot_dat, aes(x = n_obs, y = rank_mean, ymin = rank_mean - rank_sd,
                     ymax = rank_mean + rank_sd)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = .1) +
  xlab("Observations") +
  ylab(expression(rho[1])) +
  theme_classic() +
    breaks = seq(min(plot_dat$n_obs), max(plot_dat$n_obs), by = 1))