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Diagnosing errors and warnings

Sometimes, the bayesynergy function may return with a warning. Ideally, we don’t want any warnings at all, and they should be examined closely, as posterior samples could be unreliable. Usually, the warning will tell the user how to fix the problem at hand, e.g. by running the chains for longer (set iter higher), or setting adapt_delta higher. See [] for some general tips.

Divergent Transitions

Most commonly, the sampler might complain about divergent transitions. The warning will typically look like this:

## Warning: There were 2316 divergent transitions after warmup. See
## to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them.

This is indicative of a posterior geometry that is tricky to explore. In the case where there is only a few divergent transitions, the usual trick is to set adapt_delta to a higher value, i.e. larger than 0.9 which is the default. This can be done through the control option in the bayesynergy call:

fit = bayesynergy(y, x, control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99))

However, the case above, where there are 2316 divergent transitions, is indicative of a misspecified model. In my experience, this can happen for a few reasons.

  • Estimating ‘flat’ monotherapies
    • i.e. when the parameter \(l\) is close to one. This can have the effect of making the other monotherapy parameters unidentifiable.
    • this can usually be alleviated by setting lower_asymptotes = FALSE in the call. Unless one is specifically interested in these parameters, there are no reason to estimate them – the model fit will typically still be good without them.
  • Estimating \(l\) in the heteroscedastic model
    • the model can struggle in this setting, particularly if there are none or few replicates.
    • choose a homoscedastic model instead.
  • ‘Wrong’ \(\lambda\) value
    • sometimes setting \(\lambda\) much lower than the initial setting can help with a better fit. This is particularly true if viability scores close to zero (or negative) are truncated or set to exactly zero.

Robustness against outliers

We provide a version of the model that is more robust against inevitable outliers in dose=response data. This is done by swapping out two components of the model formulation, the likelihood and the prior for kernel hyperparameters.

For the likelihood, we utilise the log-Pareto-tailed Normal (LPTN) distribution with mean \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(\sigma\), as described in Gagnon, Desgagné, and Bédard (2020) which takes the form \[ f(x)= \begin{cases} \frac{1}{\sigma}\phi\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\right) & \text{if } \vert\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\vert \leq \tau \\ \frac{1}{\sigma}\phi(\tau)\frac{\tau}{\vert\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\vert}\left(\frac{\log (\tau)}{\log(\vert\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\vert)}\right)^{\lambda+1} & \text{if } \vert\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\vert > \tau \end{cases} \] where \(\phi\) denotes the standard normal pdf. The parameters \((\tau,\lambda)\) are controlled by the user-specified hyperparameter \(\rho \in (2\Phi(1)-1,1)\) as \[ \tau=\Phi^{-1}((1+\rho)/2), \ \ \ \ \lambda=2(1-\rho)^{-1}\phi(\tau)\tau\log(\tau) \]

The robust likelihood can be utilized by setting robust = T when calling thebayesynergy function. The user-specified parameter \(\rho\) can be set by the rho argument, by default set to \(0.9\).

For the kernel, we recommend utilising the Matérn kernel with a Penalized Complexity (PC) prior on the kernel hyperparameters. The PC prior for the Matern covariance was described in Fuglstad et al. (2018), and strongly encourages small deviations from the null model, i.e. high probability of an interaction term being zero. The PC prior for the kernel hyperparameters \((\sigma_f^2,\ell)\) (in the 2-dimensional case) takes the form \[ \pi(\sigma_f^2,\ell)=\tilde{\lambda}_1\tilde{\lambda}_2\ell^{-2}\sigma_f^{-1}\exp\left(-\tilde{\lambda}_1\ell^{-1}-\tilde{\lambda}_2\sigma_f\right), \] where \((\tilde{\lambda}_1,\tilde{\lambda}_2)\) are set to reflect prior beliefs \(P(\ell < \ell_0)=\alpha_1\) and \(P(\sigma_f^2 > \sigma^2_{f0})=\alpha_2\) by \[ \tilde{\lambda}_1=-\log(-\alpha_1)\ell \ \ \ \ \tilde{\lambda}_2=-\frac{\log(\alpha_2)}{\sigma_{f0}^2}, \] where \((\ell_0,\alpha_1,\sigma_{f0}^2,\alpha_2)\) are hyperparameters that are set by the user. The PC prior can be enabled by setting pcprior = T when calling the bayesynergy function, and hyperparameters specified by the argument pcprior_hypers. By default, we recommend \((\ell_0,\alpha_1,\sigma_{f0}^2,\alpha_2)=(1,0.1,1,0.2)\).

Including controls

The positive and negative controls essentially control the signal-to-noise ratio in cell viability assays. If the user has access to these, they can be included in the model to help calibrate the posterior distribution – particularly in the case with zero replicates.

Let \(\xi^-_k\) and \(\xi^+_l\) denote the negative and positive controls for \(k=1,\ldots,n_-\) and \(l=1,\ldots,n_+\). These measurements are raw readings from the plate and are used to calculate cell viability. For an additional well, treated with drug concentration \(\mathbf{x}_i\), we denote the raw output by \(\xi_i\), and calculate cell viability for this well by the formula: \[ y_i = \frac{\xi_i-\tilde{\xi^+}}{\tilde{\xi^-}-\tilde{\xi^+}}, \] where \(\tilde{\xi^-}\) and \(\tilde{\xi^+}\) denotes some measure of centrality of the positive and negative controls, typically the mean or median.

The controls can themselves be passed through this function and converted to % viability. From the variances of these normalized controls, \(\lambda\) can be set as indicated above. And the negative controls can be added directly into the algorithm. Negative controls represents unhindered cell growth, and can be thought of as samples from the dose-response function \(f(\mathbf{x})\) at concentration \(\mathbf{x}=(0,0)\). These can then be added directly to the \(\texttt{bayesynergy}\) function in the same way as regular observations.

Synergy classification

Frequently, it is of interest to classify an experiment as synergistic or antagonistic. Usually, this has been done by thresholding the synergy measure at a certain level, declaring e.g. everything above 10 as synergistic, everything below -10 antagonistic, and anything in between as additive (no interaction). The problem with this is that it completely ignores the underlying measurement error, and as a consequence the thresholding procedure can lead to misclassification. Large synergistic effects might be classified as synergistic, but in reality the effect cannot be discerned from the background noise. In the same manner, genuine synergistic effects that are too small, for example because the dose-ranges are a bit off, will also be misclassified. By incorporating the uncertainty into the classification it can be done in a more principled manner.

In Bayesian inference, we can compute what is know as the model evidence. That is, given a probabilistic model \(\mathcal{M}\), and some data we think is generated from it, \(\mathcal{D}\), the evidence is defined as the probability of the model given the data, \(P(\mathcal{M} \vert \mathcal{D})\). We can use this quantity to compare different models, in particular when comparing two distinct models we can define the Bayes Factor, \(\text{BF}_{10}\): \[ \text{BF}_{10}=\frac{P(\mathcal{D}\vert\mathcal{M}_1)}{P(\mathcal{D}\vert\mathcal{M}_0)} = \frac{P(\mathcal{M}_1 \vert \mathcal{D})}{P(\mathcal{M}_0 \vert \mathcal{D})}\frac{P(\mathcal{M}_1)}{P(\mathcal{M}_0)}, \] where \(P(\mathcal{M}_1)\) and \(P(\mathcal{M}_0)\) denotes the prior model probabilities. By defining \[ \mathcal{M}_0: f(\mathbf{x}) = p_0(\mathbf{x}) \\ \mathcal{M}_1: f(\mathbf{x}) = p_0(\mathbf{x}) + \Delta(\mathbf{x}), \] and computing \(\text{BF}_{10}\), the Bayes factor gives information on whether the interaction surface needs to be included in the model. A high value indicates that \(\mathcal{M}_1\) is preferred over \(\mathcal{M}_0\), and thus that there most likely is some interaction in the experiment. One still needs to make a cutoff, but it will be less arbitrary by connecting it directly to the uncertainty in the model, and model evidence. The thresholding itself can be done according to e.g. the table in Kass and Raftery (1995):

\(\text{BF}_{10}\) Evidence against \(\mathcal{M}_0\)
1 to 3.2 Not worth more than a bare mention
3.2 to 10 Substantial
10 to 100 Strong
>100 Decisive

The Bayes factor only gives information about whether or not an interaction is present. Depending on the classification task, one still needs to decide if the effect is synergistic or antagonistic. For this one could e.g. use the integral of the interaction surface, \(\text{VUS}(\Delta)\), if this is negative the experiment is coded as synergistic, if positive it is coded as antagonistic.

The calculation of the Bayes factor is implemented directly in the bayesynergy function, and can be calculated simply by adding bayes_factor = T to the call. Model evidence and the Bayes factor itself is computed via the bridgesampling package (Gronau, Singmann, and Wagenmakers (2020)).


Fuglstad, Geir-Arne, Daniel Simpson, Finn Lindgren, and Håvard Rue. 2018. “Constructing Priors That Penalize the Complexity of Gaussian Random Fields.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 114 (525): 445–52.
Gagnon, Philippe, Alain Desgagné, and Mylène Bédard. 2020. “A New Bayesian Approach to Robustness Against Outliers in Linear Regression.” Bayesian Analysis 15 (2).
Gronau, Quentin F., Henrik Singmann, and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers. 2020. “Bridgesampling: An r Package for Estimating Normalizing Constants.” Journal of Statistical Software 92 (10).
Kass, Robert E., and Adrian E. Raftery. 1995. “Bayes Factors.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 90 (430): 773–95.