Authors and Citation
Leiv Rønneberg. Author, maintainer.
Andrea Cremaschi. Author.
Robert Hanes. Author.
Chi Zhang. Author.
Manuela Zucknick. Author.
Rønneberg L, Cremaschi A, Hanes R, Zhang C, Zucknick M (2023). bayesynergy: Bayesian semi-parametric modelling for in-vitro drug combination experiments. R package version 2.5.1,
@Manual{, title = {bayesynergy: Bayesian semi-parametric modelling for in-vitro drug combination experiments}, author = {Leiv Rønneberg and Andrea Cremaschi and Robert Hanes and Chi Zhang and Manuela Zucknick}, year = {2023}, note = {R package version 2.5.1}, url = {}, }