Course material

On this page you’ll find a list of material used in this course.

For the exercises and lab notes we use during the lab sessions, please check the R Lab and Code.

Week 1

Time Topic Lecture notes Lab
April 24 PM Course introduction Slides
Descriptive statistics Slides, K&S chapter 2-4, Aalen chapter 1-2 Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3
April 25 AM Introduction to R and Rstudio Slides Intro to RStudio, Intro to R
Lab session Slides Descriptive statistics (EDA I)
April 25 PM Probability, diagnosistic tests Intro slides Probability Diagnostic tests
Statistical distributions Distributions
April 26 AM Lab session COVID-19 tests, Simulations
April 26 PM Statistical inference, confidence intervals, t-test Overview, Sample mean, Confidence interval, Hypothesis testing
April 27 AM Lab session Slides t-test
April 27 PM Categorical data, proportions, table analysis Overview, Proportions, Compare proportions, Table analysis
April 28 AM Lab session Slides Categorical data analysis

Week 2

Time Topic Lecture notes Lab
May 8 AM Exploratory data analysis (part II) Lecture EDA II
Non-parametric methods Lecture Non-parametric tests
May 8 PM Sample size, statistical power Lecture Exercises
May 9 AM Study design, principles of clinical trials Lecture
May 9 PM Linear regression I Lecture Linear regression I
May 10 AM Linear regression II Lecture Linear regression II
May 10 PM Linear regression III Lecture Shmueli_2019_extract.pdf Linear regression III
May 11 AM Logistic regression Lecture Logistic regression
May 11 PM Survival analysis Survival, Summary Survival analysis